Last spring Puckdrawn had a competition where participants designed hockey uniforms for 6 cities in a fictional NHL expansion. The 6 cities were Hamilton, Halifax, Seattle, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, and Winnipeg which are probably the most likely cities to get a team next.
Ryan Muraro (site) won in the final round of voting against the Hamilton Steelcats of Canada with his design of the Milwaukee Bocks and rightly so. Everything about this design works, not too mention a mascot as a goat would rub in that "curse" a little more for a neighbors to the south. For those that don't know (and myself) Bocks are sometimes represented by goats because Bavarians from Munich pronounced the town of Einbeck, where it was developed, as "ein Bock" or Billy Goat, probably was an insult as well.
All the Milwaukee designs can be found here,
I almost lost it when I saw the Bavarians. Tell me that these don’t get you excited for some hockey in Wisconsin. I want to go out and buy those jersey and watch those teams right now. Kind of puts my Pioneer logo to shame, maybe I should leave it to the professionals. I liked the Milwaukee Railers. Forget the political connotations for a second, picture a dude holding up a sign to the opposing goalie saying "we railed your mom". Could be you…
Also we have unveiled our new look. A couple of the bigger changes, our email is now contact@nhlinwisconsin. We have gotten rid of the petition/info/design ones, since we have the forum and facebook, we also put most of the Plans into the forum so they can be discussed easier among everyone since that was the original intention of them. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, and comments.
Ideas? Thoughts? Questions? We want to make this with as much fan participation as possible, so please contact us by emailing
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